A cross-sectional study of the development of singing ability in primary school
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This cross-sectional study aimed to examine the development of singing ability among primary school children in grades 1, 3, 5, and 7. The sample included 476 children enrolled in general music education. In this research, distinct subtests were employed for assessing pitch matching (interval reproduction and single pitch reproduction) and singing melodies (phrase-singing and song-singing). The overall development of singing ability was measured by using a composite indicator, called ÉKÖM (Singing Ability). Voice quality was also evaluated as a separate variable, with a newly developed measurement tool, that demonstrated strong reliability. Results showed a significant, moderate improvement in ÉKÖM between the first and third grades. However, no further progress was observed in fifth grade, and the singing ability of seventh graders was not significantly different from that of first graders. Additionally, notable advancements were observed in singing ability between grades 1 and 3. Development rates varied by gender, with girls generally demonstrating more advanced singing abilities than boys, except in third grade. However, three specific skills—interval reproduction, song-singing, and voice quality—did not show any developmental changes during schooling. These findings suggest that the objectives outlined in the National Core Curriculum concerning the role and development of singing in general music education, especially in middle school years, are not fully achieved.
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Funding data
Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Grant numbers Közoktatás-fejlesztési Kutatási Program
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