The characteristics of school bullying in classes participating in thehappiness courses project

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Erzsébet Nagy
Szilvia Jámbori


The aim of our research was to examine what different characteristics can be seen in terms of bullying in classes which take part in the Happiness Hour program. In our research, 141 primary school students took part in between the ages of 11 and 16 (average age was 13.15). The involvement in bullying and the types of bullying were measured with the Aggression and Victimization Scale, the perceived class climate by students was measured with the Class climate questionnaire, the perceived social support was measured with the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale, negative attitude to social problems and their solutions was measured with the Negative Orientation Questionnaire (NEGORI). According to our study, students involved in the Happiness Hour project were less likely to be involved in bullying than those who did not take part in it, but the difference was not significant. It was proven that students involved in bullying perceived their class climate more negatively than students not involved in bullying. In the case of students involved in bullying, although those who took part in the Happiness Hour program perceived their class climate more positively than the control group, the main effect of the participation in the program was not significant. Among boys, verbal and physical types of bullying were more prevalent than social bullying. Among girls, verbal and social forms of bullying were significantly more prevalent than the physical types.


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How to Cite
Nagy, E., & Jámbori, S. (2019). The characteristics of school bullying in classes participating in thehappiness courses project. Magyar Pedagógia, 119(2), 131–150.