A társadalmi tanulás mérése Egy határokon átnyúló térség (Bihar–Bihor Eurorégió) esete

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Kozma Tamás
Teperics Károly
Erdei Gábor
Tőzsér Zoltán


This study focuses on the concepts of Learning Regions (LR) and Lifelong Learning (LLL) and the way these might be interpreted, conceptualised, linked, measured and used for regional development purposes. This research therefore aims(a) to redefine the concept of LR according to the necessities of a Central Eastern European cross-border region and (b) to study the ways and means by which the concept might be statistically measured and topographically presented. The paper investigates the following questions: How can the concept of LR be interpreted? How can the concept of LLL be statistically measured? How can previous research on LLL be applied to our research in a cross-border region? What are the most appropriate indicators for measuring LLL activities in a particular region? Is the Bihar (HU)/Bihor (RO) Euroregion under examination a Learning Region? If so, how might the results be interpreted and used for regional development? The research raises important theoretical questions about the concept of LR. Firstly, we summarise the possible definitions of LR. Secondly, we look for alternative empirical studies on LRs. Finally, we introduce the first results from our empirical study of a cross-border unit in Hungary and Romania.


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Hogyan kell idézni
Kozma, T., Teperics, K., Erdei, G., & Tőzsér, Z. (2011). A társadalmi tanulás mérése: Egy határokon átnyúló térség (Bihar–Bihor Eurorégió) esete. Magyar Pedagógia, 111(3), 189–206. Elérés forrás https://magyarpedagogia.hu/index.php/magyarpedagogia/article/view/34